some shots..!!!=]
but..!!too bad i was not able to get shotswent we are riding the bike..!! lol!! =]

we woke up at around seven..;mind full of excitement..the most excitin thing was i m goin to picnic aft 4yrs....;number seems to be small...but lots of]..ANW...mum woke up earlier thn us to prepare the food..wen woke up..mum wasn't at hme..she wen to buy stuffthe food..The meetin time was at 8.45 rite infrnt of the south view lrt staion...We had a kol informin we had to get dwn as the grey on the way to fetch us....we quikly kept our excitementz to ourselfs n started to leave the house....
Anothere thing was..i and uma planned to wear the same colour shirt n type of pants..we planned to wear white shrt n 3/4 pnts..n aft wear shrts n black shirt to drown in the sea....Unfortnately tht pandi kutty thought we must wearblack rather thn whte n told me paavipaavi fo ateast 5-6times....n we actualli was travelin in the van for aleast 1h30min..
We went to bukitpanjang foloowed by whole round of pending road n went to ang mokio to collect chicken..thn..FINALY headed to east coast...
we had prob on where to park the lorry..balan annae gave us ideas..but didn't knw wat t0o reali just kind of came to a decision..this confusion are all coz of the [[standard charted marathon]]coz of it the whole parking lot got closed..but its ok...
we found waes to park it...aft tht ..
MY LUCK...[[^^]]went getting dwn the lorry boy annae halped the ladder was kind of very high..and;i'm]soo went i was abt to jump down the lorry...i actualli miss balance..and fall dwn..boi annae was veri shock..and the oni thing he was doing of keep on holding my hand..even aft i reached the ground flat..[[haizz]]and u knw wat was mi mumz reaction...[[aiyo..boy..why u kaaiiveeduraan my daughter]]..and u knw wat was his reply...[[no..i didn't i was actuaalli holding on to her hand even aft she fall downn..]]LOL..!!=]
now lets us laugh together...
aft everyone got down...we had another prob of booking the place..we actualli gt a place bt unable to book it as there wasn't any AXS machine...then ha no other choice but just to strt with our work...poor uma was damn hungry and ate 2 FUULLL PLATES OF MEE!!=]
i'm sorri uma..u told us not to kannu vaekuraan...buyt its ok...nthing will happen...=]aft tht i and uma went to change..we were like kind of did not reali knw where was the toilet..but managed to was not quite far from the place we were settled....komala told us tht the castle buliding was the toilet but it actualli wasn't it was for some other purpose....
aft tht...we got into the water n started to enjoy ourself..
AMMA,APPA,PAVAN AND SUBA..were all enjoying inckuding mee..!!!=]
this is the most intresrting me....i actualli wanted to ride doubles..but uuma do not want to..[[which was for my] ]]uma wasn;t reali confident in riding the bike..she was all wae left alone..while i and komala was riding in our own speeds..=]]..
FUNPARTONE:while riding in our own world..suddenly i heard some one kolling my name distrupting my was non other than uma thevi...SHE RIDED THE BIKE IN THE WAE THT SHE ACTUALLLI CROSSED A SMALL DRAIN OPATH WITHOUT FALLING IN AND WAS IN THE OTHER LAND..i did not knw how..but if ask she will sae..STRATEGY..[[BULLSHITTT]][[panndiikuttyy]]lol..=]
FUNPARTWO:uma actualli got hit by two guys who actualli was riding roller of the guy asked her..[[why did u actualli made a sudden tuyrn..???]] as we knw but the guy dun knw tht uma does not knw how to make A PERFECT TURN] n she was not also confident oin her ride..coz her to do this kind of crazy stuff..[[PANNDDIIKKUTTY]] LOL...=]
in all it was realli a very fun dae,...n i was [[most popular gal for the dae for falling dwn frm the lorry]]lol=]
**aniwaes..we also had to pay 5bucks fine..just all coz of this uma...=] lol..=]
she was riding the bike very fast tht we were 1hr late fom the time we are suppoesed to return the bike...=]=]=]=] lol...=]