Thursday, April 15, 2010

life;full of drama =]
this world we live in may look in order
but if you look again you will find
the world is full of
pain is all around us
we can't help but inflict it
it can't be avoided,
hurt for no reason
that's just the way it is
there is no way to eliminate
only to embrace it

in your
life you only see what you can handle
if you saw any more you'd go insane
pain is unbearable, you can't live with it.
pain is needed for some things
that's just the way it is
life without pain is life with out living
life comes and life goes, but
pain is forever, your heart gets torn
out and thrown to the curb even if the person who did it
doesn't know. you feel as though you never want to
feel again. when you feel this way you know how
pain works.

Pain is mostly a state of mind
if you can put it behind
you, you can feel whole again.
Like I say the only
pain is not knowing what pain is,
cause until then every thing will
hurt you more than it should.
when you know true
pain the past will not matter
nothing will matter, for then you'll be dead.