Monday, November 23, 2009

life;full of drama =]

Appreciate more, depression less

one of the more important things I have learnt from the school of life is to "appreciate" more and "depreciate" less.This pushes me to constantly remind myself to bulid up rather than tear down , especially when interacting with people around me - be they my parents ,friends or even strangers i'm meeting for the first time.There is nothng quite like a word of encouragement , a warm and personable smile , or and extended hand of friendship to perk upsomeone's day.Over the years, i have learnt never to underestimate the power of gestures.They have proven to be more potent than prescribed medication when it comes to soothing a broken spirit. You may think of them as small gestures,but they can go a long way towards elevating self esteem, to the extent of even saving a life.

"See the world aroung you for what it is, and know that it cannot bring you down"